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The XXIIVV Webring

This site is #192 in The XXIIVV Webring, and it took about a year of site evolution and improvement to receive acceptance. I think I first came across this webring from one of my RSS feeds, but I instantly admired the concept and was blown away by the listed sites for quite some time before wanting to be included.

The sites were just not like anything I had seen in more than a decade. I appreciated the noncommercial attitude and individual personal expressions. An earlier version of Josh Avanier’s site (there are many) inspired the breadcrumb navigation here. The webring states:

This webring is an attempt to inspire artists & developers to build their websites and share traffic amongst each other. The ring welcomes hand-crafted wikis and portfolios.

The next steps are: adding an 88x31 pixel button, RSS and TWTXT feed support, and joining the community.